
This is our litters page, litters planned, due, here, kits available to book, pedigrees can be seen on feritage

For more information of angoras or our lines and goals in regards to breeding angoras click the button below, for info on our general ferretry goals the About Us, and for more info on how we raise kits the stork. Pedigrees visible on feritage or paper copy from ourselves. Obviously, this will be watermarked unless the kit will be sold for breeding purposes
Please visit our Questionnaire page for information on how homes are chosen and to start the process
Price guidelines for kits as well as conditions of sale and deposit are visible in the Fees services & T+Cs page. Discount will be offered to those taking more than one kit home. Couriers are approximately £100 - 150 for most of the UK, for more info please check with DL Pet transport services.
Kits come de-flead and wormed with a substantial kit pack (contact or see the how we raise our kits page for details). Kits will leave microchipped to us, please contact for details on database etc or to opt out. Kits are health checked, Parents are both health checked and subject to health tests to ensure the health and longevity of the lines and babies.
Please have a read of our Coming Home & Introducing Ferrets page for how to best go about settling your new babies into your family
Due dates will be added when they are known. We are very excited about these pairings, they have been planned for a very long time and we cannot wait for our long anticipated little meepers to arrive
Jump to the nursery facebook link for litter updates and pictures HERE
We are ready to announce our future plans. We do have pairings planned for later years. If you are after something specific and willing to wait please contact us and we can discuss if we will have what you're looking for in the future. Please note kits from pairings of semi or part angora parents price will not be set until arrival.
Whimkis Fairytales Golden Bird - Whimkis Dwarf Planets Ixion (Angora and half angora kits, EU lines)
No litters will be had in 2025. Vasectomised hob services will still be available

Whimkis Fairytales Golden Bird - Whimkis Dwarf planets Ixion
angoras and half angoras expected. Range of colours possible, including albino. Normal and near normal noses likely.
Our first litter this year is our angora/half angora litter. Ixion is a very sweet boy, very much a peace keeper of ferrets. In all honesty it only makes sense for him to be like this given his whole family have been biddable friendly ferrets no matter the time of year or hormones present. He is out of our dwarf planets litter, the only angora in the litter, incidentally his mothers brother was the only angora in that litter so lets hope he bucks the trend. His fathers family however have been known to throw large numbers of normal nosed angoras in them. Ixion himself we overlooked as an angora for the better part of a week given the amount of hair he was born with and how normal his nose looked at birth. It has developed into a nice, non-extreme dragon nose, with no effects to his breathing. This line is a combination of our own, French and UK angora lines and working lines from Scotland. As for colours, as a baby Ixion looked like a chocolate sable. He could very well be so genetically, but currently he looks a lovely sable point like his mother, except in angora form. He likely carries for mitts and possibly other markings which may well be thrown out with the right girl. The only colours I am not certain he could throw are silver and lilac. That said there's a good chance he could through black or chocolate, and since the genetics between black roan/silver/lilac/chocolate are not completely understood at present I'm not considering those colours and impossibility.
Mum of the litter is our little Eilliongwy. Eilliongwy was a bit hard work as a baby, her EU side showing itself, but she grew up to be one of the most biddable, sturdy, loyal ferrets I have here. She gives off big matronly vibes and keeps the youngsters in check. She's actually very close with Eris and Lana, Ixions sister and mother. Her lineage is angora from her French import father, and EU and south of England working lines from her mother. She also has a lot of colours behind her. We consider her chocolate (sandy type) as she is the same colour her dad was when young, however the colour never matured. Eillongwy is from one of our biggest and most diverse litters ever so we will not consider a cut off for this litter waiting list. Her sable mother, with the same markings as herself, produced everything from black self, to sable, to chocolate, to silver and lilac, several marked DEWs, and the albino twins. I also want to shout out to just how fantastic her maternal line is. Her mothers litter was literally record breaking, so she did need help. Despite not being bred by us and being half EU herself, she gratefully accepted help at birthing, and allowed us to ransack her nest multiple times a day to take babies away for top ups, and hand rearing in the case of some.
I look forward to seeing what these two have together. In any case though I know they will be beautiful chunky built babies, with the very best of temperaments.

Whimkis Dwarf Planets Eris - Whimkis Witches Herbs Fairy Eggs
part angoras expected. All colours possible, DEW, silver and lilac likely. Wide range of markings expected.
Eris, another of our dwarf planets, is a stunning little cinnamon mitt semi angora. She has the build of her fathers mother and grandmother, and the nature of them too. As shes matured she's became more people orientated and less mischievous, she's more than happy to give a cuddle, and like her daddy and siblings likes nothing so much as to sit on your shoulder while you're busy. She likes to boss you around a bit when she's hormonal, but makes a point of not bullying anyone with it, so I expect her to be a lovely mother, not stressing or controlling but getting those babies properly trained for their adult lives.
Zephyr is one of our pedigreed standards. A very bulky boy, more his Grandads son than his Fathers. He can play very nicely but to be honest he loves being able to play without holding back. He is silver marked DEW which normally equates to a silver speckled triangle on his forehead, but occasionally he'll get a smattering on his back too, like someone’s flicked mud at him. He is very much a one person ferret, although sociable in general he is very bonded with me. He will become despondent without a ferret friend for any amount of time though. I feel it is only fair to warn people considering this pairing that although Zephyr has never tried to escape, his family produces a stunning number of escape artists. His brothers easily able to rip through standard aviary mesh. I cannot emphasise enough that Zephyr is much bulkier and stronger than his siblings. I would very strongly encourage upgrading the mesh on any enclosures one of the kits from this litter is to be kept in.
Despite zephyrs bulk he's not especially big, and with smaller ferrets popping up occasionally on both his and Eris's sides it is fairly likely that we will have at least one little whip of a kit. So if you're hoping for a smaller baby this would be where to look. We could have a range of builds too. This litter will likely either be mostly sables or a full rainbow. Zephyrs line is full of silver, champagne, and coloured (sables) with albinos and DEWs popping up regularly. Eris on the other hand is out of a long line of lilacs, throwing everything, with sable, albino and sandys on the other side. With both having markings however I think mitt-less babies are unlikely. They could be hiding in Zephyrs genes though (I often think silver comes with dominant mitts, and have had DEWs produce self’s before). These babies will likely be a lot of personality, and totally dedicated to their owner. Part angora kits, our standard line tends to throw very long coats though so we could be looking at some exceptionally fluffy babies. It's possible, even likely, that some of these babies will have longer, thicker coats than our half angoras in litter 1.
Silver, DEW and lilac paired breeding is frowned upon when done by inexperienced breeders, or people who don't know about their lines. This is because in the past people have been breeding to attain Silvers and DEWs without thought to health. To get guaranteed kits in these colours they were inbred on purpose or, because keeping pedigrees is still a new idea in standard ferrets, they were bred to the same colour nearby and, hence accidentally inbred. As you can imagine this has led to some lines becoming very ill. One such condition that reared its head during this is Waardenburgh syndrome. The fact that this is only associated with silvers is frankly ridiculous because its just as likely to be in any colour, particularly if they're badger striped, pandas whose markings are derived from certain markings and blazes, which are ignored by the same people. This is because waardenburgh is a lateral line defect, though not nearly as dangerous as some similar defects. Not all ferrets with these markings are effected or even carriers, in fact the only ferret I have personally met with any symptoms was an albino and we have produced a silver badger who was waardenburgh free.
It is worth mentioning that although this condition is becoming more known it is most prevelant in lines found from ferret mills, particularly those in America.
The main symptom of this illness is deafness, so as a breeder and someone who works their ferrets I don't want it anywhere near my lines (jills who cannot hear their kits usually kill or abandon them, and I want my workers to come when I call) so I am psychotic about checking for signs such as head shape, expression and hearing ability on any ferret I breed, particularly these colours and markings, and any ferret I bring into the ferretry, as well as asking about it when I confirm they're healthy lines free from other health issues. I even spend time studying pictures of relatives of lines I bring in for these signs. As such I can say with complete confidence my lines are waardenburgh free and it is very doubtful that we will produce a kit with it. In order to confirm this and protect our lines better we have now began BAER testing