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Vasectomised Hob/Hoblet Use

Why use a vasectomised hob?  

Hoblets have had an operation to make them sterile but still have a sex drive.  This allows them to take a jill out of season with out kits.  There are other options including the jill jab and implant but hoblet use is preferred by many due to its lack of reaction risks, often less extreme/obvious phantoms and the often healthier cycle which mean less seasons

Our Hoblets

We insist upon booking in that our boys’ vasectomies include both cutting and tying the tubes.  They are then proven (sterile) annually before being available to the public.  Failed hoblets do happen but this way we can prevent a reversal as much as possible and be assured that the hob is still sterile at every mating

Terms of stud use

Any animal entering our property must be healthy or the owners will be held responsible for all vet fees.  This goes for our hob as well.  We reserve the right to refuse a jill who is believed to be unhealthy or a health risk to our boy.  This in mind please be prepared to answer questions regarding your ferrets sexual history.

Visiting ferrets will be wormed on arrival unless a Completely Clear Wormcount is supplied by drop off.  Please bare this in mind and allow a 2 week period after drop off, minimum before doing a Wormcount. 

All jills must come to us to be taken out of season.  This is non-negotiable.  Your ferret will be well cared for and we will take care of any grooming ie. Ears, nails etc. that needs done during our visit. 

You will need to supply kibble for your ferret (if applicable) as we are a raw only household.

There is no stud fee for hoblet services but we would appreciate a donation towards the ferretry for her care and upkeep.

Owners Must Leave An Emergency UK Telephone Number At All Times

If your ferret requires medication please let us know before and during drop off.  We will be happy to administer it but remember and bring it when you drop them off so we have it.

If you have planned any veterinary appointments during your ferret stay you will be required to cover veterinary fees and possibly travel costs.  It is advised that you reschedule if possible as we do not know your ferrets medical history and as we are not the owner cannot make in good conscience make any decisions on your behalf.

Taking jills out of season 

When your jill is coming into season contact us and we will walk you through what to look for as she comes in.  Once she is fully into season we will arrange for her to come to us in approximately a weeks time.  This ensures that she is receptive to the male and that mating can take place as quickly and easily as possible. 


During the breeding ferrets can get quite rough, especially the males who often try to drag the jills around.  This can be made worse if the jill is hiding in tunnels, beds or other toys.  For this reason, we have 2 small secure cages for breeding*, one indoors and one outdoors, that can be used depending on whether the jill is used to being inside or out.  These cages allow us to keep quarantine in the ferretry and allow a safer, easier breeding for your ferret.  It is also important to avoid distractions for the ferrets, particularly the hoblets who, if we are completely honest, are used often enough to at times lack focus.  This lack of focus can prolong a courtship behaviour without a good mating taking place.  For this reason, stimulation is restricted to play time on leash, in the house or cuddles when not otherwise occupied.


*Outside males are housed in a large secure hutch when not in use.  This allows for them to have the space and toys etc for their mental well being.  If the owner is in agreement and a suitable ferret is available, we may temporarily bond him with one of our ferrets so that he is not lonely either. 


After 3-5 days jills are usually showing the first signs of coming out of season and we can arrange for collection.  Usually jills stay with us for a week however we have had them collected after the 3 days and had them board with us for a couple of weeks.  We are as flexible as possible with collection. 


When your ferret is with us they are treated like our own ferrets.  They are given as much love and attention as possible and well cared for.  We have had owners return to collect their ferret shocked at how good she is with us because we have spent so much time with them.  The swelling should gradually go down over time.  Jills often become fatter looking after having been mated and become much sookier, this is normal, however if you have any worries or questions we are available to talk with you

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