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Show Business


I have seen a lot of interest about how shows work following the SFCs announcing of their winter show in '22 to take place. As such I've decided to just write a quick post on what to expect at a show and how to enter.

Some people will never have any interest in shows but many pet owners are curious, even if they do not intend to ever show. Honestly there’s no harm throwing your hat into the ring in any case. A ferret show is generally more about husbandry than anything else. Without a “breed standard” all ferrets are judged based on condition, health and aside from a few things that all comes down to how well they’re looked after. The exception is angoras, which there is a few points on the hair that should be considered and of course the noses are considered as a welfare issue. Speaking of personality is also a big consideration, particularly friendliness. In a lot of shows the stewards, who help collect ferrets from the owners and take them to the judges, and back, ask that you hand them over in a carrier. This is purely so that the judge can see how well they react to being taken out of the carrier and handled. So, it is wise to bring a small, unmarked carrier with you if bringing multiple, just in case.

They also look at body condition, posture, teeth, ears and nails, both for signs that they are kept clean generally and that they are kept short. They also check the skin and fur for signs of discomfort and boys in season should have 2 normal testicles. All animals at the show are expected to be free from parasites and clean.

What does a ferret show look like? Well online it's generally a kind of section of album threads that anyone can see. In person though its much more eclectic. As the judges are in another room and the owners are in charge of providing somewhere for their ferrets to stay the main room is generally full of carriers and indoor cat cages. Occasionally the organisers will arrange an exercise area but PLEASE ask whom evers ferrets are using it before you chuck yours in (personal pet hate of mine) especially in the current climate. Remember ferrets can pass on illnesses and parasites, and I am afraid to say not everyone who goes to a show is as smart and careful. Case and point my pet hate is due to people putting their ferrets in with mine and them trying to start fights, I doubt anyone with any sense would throw their intact hob in with a random group of other boys, yet it happens.

How do you enter a show? Well generally you just show up, fill in a form, pay and ta-da. If it’s an online show you contact the organisers, get a number, and start taking pictures. You don’t need any special equipment though it is frowned upon to use substrates at a show because of the mess, so I would advise you bring a cage or pen with a litter tray to put them in once you arrive. In person shows sometimes you can apply before the day, which is handy because it means your ferrets will be judged sooner. If, however you are not 100% sure which class your ferret goes into wait until the day and ask the organisers. I have known ferrets to be removed from the running because “they were in the wrong class” and I have had ferrets moved by the judge to another class and win. You don’t know which you’ll get so just ask. More info on what is expected at online shows lower down.

If you just want to visit the show you don’t need to pay to enter etc, though these days you may need to register for track and trace.

When entering shows do have a cut off for how long they accept ferrets into the show so that the show will eventually end lol but it is still a very long day. You can go home at any point after your ferret is judged but if you win anything you generally have to wait until some time after 5pm to find out. You can leave at any time though whether entering or just visiting.

Now it’s time for my tips for prepping for a show. Well, the first is simply keep up good husbandry. Keep nails trimmed, plenty good food and exercise. Since ferrets tend to bulk up more on kibble a lot of people add kibble to the diets if they show a lot but that’s not needed. You may want to trim nails and bath before a show but remember your ferret is getting judged as a ferret. They shouldn’t smell of soap, and freshly trimmed nails scratch a lot. If you feel the need to trim nails for a show much better is to do it at least a few days before so they can smooth off. Also, the judge will look for nails obviously cut with a flat end, you can limit that by trimming regularly in general so the nails don’t widen too much, and by cutting them at a slight angle. Definitely don’t bath for a few days before. If you’ve got a mucky pup who likes to get muddy bath them well in advance and just keep them clean. The only thing I would consider actually doing on the day is cleaning up their ears if needed. Mainly because the more you clean ears the worse they get so if they need done better to just do it on the day and be done with it. that’s it 😊 no, really, like I say it’s mostly just about good husbandry so there’s not really anything you need to do. They don’t need to preform in any way, they don’t need a fancy hair cut or anything. The only thing you might want these days is a bottle of pet disinfectant to hand for between people cuddling them, because they are full of people who love and own ferrets so everyone wants to meet some new fuzzie friends while they’re there.

Lots of ferrets to meet, lots of people to talk to and lots of things to buy for your ferrets too. Entering an online show once you have paid and got your code you will need to write that on a scrap of paper which you make sure is in all your big shots. You will also need a camera (on a phone is fine) and I would advise a friend to help take pictures. Because the photos are to be judged double blind, that is the judge has no idea who’s ferret is who’s, you need either a blank wall to take pics against or just use a bed sheet to cover whatever you’re taking pics against. Honestly that can work best because I find it easier to take pics on a bench. You’ll need at least one pic showing your ferrets stance, with the back arched, pics of the feet, ears and teeth (this is when a friend will come in handy), and some shows ask for a head shot, handy to just have one on hand in case they ask. Online shows work a tad differently. The show will have an opening date when they accept entries and a closing date when pictures need to be in by, then a few days to a week later whilst judging takes place winners will be announced.

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