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3 tips for a quick recovery (from an operation)


tips for when your ferrets going under the knife

Don’t starve your ferret. Like cats and dogs, ferrets are a risk of being sick during surgery which can lead to them choking. For this reason, all 3 should have empty stomachs when going into surgery. Unlike cats and dogs though ferrets are also high risk of hypoglycemia. My advice; talk to your vet and discuss when your ferret will be operated on. Food needs to be removed about 4 hours before hand. For us our ferrets are usually arranged to go first due t the risk and we are to give breakfast and remove at drop off. Nice and easy. Then they get food offered immediately on waking.

Have things ready at home. We have discussed hospital cages in another post but the basics are you need a small cage, no friends in there, it needs to be warm and it needs to be clean. You should also be able to see any spills so you can see if there’s blood and hammocks and beds should be easy accessed and not high. You need to be able to not just keep an eye on him that he’s recovering well but be also know his friends aren’t going to play too rough and pull stitches or groom them. A few days is usually enough.

Keep liquid stitches at home. Vets don’t always have them in but they’re super useful for ferrets post op. They can pull stitches so easily, just sliding out a hammock is enough to pull them. A little liquid stitch along the wound and you’re almost completely removing the risk

Be ready to keep the site clean and dry. My best tip for this is paw wax. Rubbed onto the incision it helps stop litter and other things sticking or going into the wound. Bitter apple spray is also useful for stopping them from grooming the stitches too which can lead to them coming loose

Best of luck

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