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Whats this blog even about?


Hi there!

I’ve never written a blog before or even really read one, so be gentle but here goes….

As most of those reading this will be aware our babies leave for their forever homes with a booklet that currently sits at something around 20 pages of info that the new owners might need. It’s getting kind of ridiculous but there’s still lots more info that we can give. In the spirit of the now infamous words of one of our followers “more info can’t hurt” I am writing this blog to share some of the topic of the day info or advice that we can. It also has the advantage that if something isn’t useful to you now you should be able to look it up later, and you will be able to check out the latest sections in the kit guide without having a whole textbook shipped out from us every year.

The topics covered in here can vary from help with a specific problem to latest information, to something I’ve noticed being discussed a lot, to just what’s happening here. Think of it like a problems page crossed over with a magazine.

Fair warning from this point on in the blog we won’t just be talking ferrets. We’ve got a lot going on here and ferrets are just one spoke in the wheel. One day we could be talking about ferrets the next training your dog the next discussing whether the bunnys we picked up yesterday are pregnant, whatever has got my mind doing cartwheels that day. It may sound totally unrelated but by looking out of the box and considering one pet problem by looking at it as we would another pet we can often figure things out better and become better owners and carers than if we were just to see the same point of view every time.

On the plus side you’ll get to know us a lot better. I don’t expect this blog to be particularly regular , I’ll try but it’s more likely to be an as and when thing. I don't want to write about the same thing every week because we're just sitting waiting for one of the girls to give birth (another reason to do a bit of everything not just the ferrets). I really am looking forward to being able to put out something more accessible than our kit guide and more topical to what’s happening at any given time.

Speak soon x


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